I wanted to pick a Riley Sager book for the first time, so went with the one which got me intrigued the most, which was 'Final Girls' AKA his debut novel. But it did not live up to my expectations, was overall an okay read.
'Final Girls' follows Quincy Carpenter, sole survivor of a tragic event happened during a vacation with college friends. She, along with two other girls, who also survived similar tragic events, were dubbed as the final girls by the tabloids. But Quincy hates everything it represents and tries to avoid any limelight and put everything behind with the support of her boyfriend and baking website. But when the first final girl, Lisa, suddenly dies in mysterious circumstances, she tries to get out of her self created prison to uncover the mystery of how Lisa's death is related to her and her past.
It started out very well, I was anticipating a very atmospheric and creepy suspense thriller. But there was only a little part of that here.it was mostly slow and boring, where Quincy is baking, walking and mostly having dialogues with herself and Sam. I wanted to root for her but had trouble connecting or liking her at any level.
The ending was unpredictable but not very believable...I did not like most of the explanations for what happened. I somewhat liked the overall character arc of Quincy but did not like the journey of getting there very much. There were few gory and chilly scenes but they did not help much in making the overall book worth remembering.
Overall an average read, hoping to pick another books by the author with more positive reviews than this one!
Overall Rating - 3.25 stars
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